Home > TGA / Proximate Analyzers > TGA 3000 Thermogravimetric Analyzer
Thermogravimetric analyzers (TGA) measure weight change (loss or gain) and the rate of weight change as a function of temperature, time, and atmosphere.
Furnace Temperature Range
Ambient to 1000 deg C
Temperature Control Precision
±2% (or) ±2deg C
Ramp Rate
10deg C /minute to 50deg C /minute
Integrated balance
0.0001g (0.1mg)
Sample Size
up to 5 grams (Higher range can be offered on request)
Number of Samples
19 Samples +1 Reference
Number of Carousels
Two (one for Crucibles, one for lids)
Carousel Material
High Strength Technical Grade Ceramics
Weighing Precision
0.02% RSD (on inert Samples)
Power Supply
230V AC ± 10%; 50/60Hz/15A